Category: Ian Trekking
And So It Begins…
Ian MCPHAIL has begun travelling over to Mount Kilimanjaro! Hopefully we’ll get a few updates on his travels and photos from the actual climb! If you would like to donate then please head over to:…/thinblue-lineradio-IanMc… You can also follow his progress via his own webpage with us at: Please continue to follow, share and donate and…
Hikes, Meds & Mountains
Ian’s trek continues, and so do his updates! And he provided us with a picture of the medication he has to take with him… If you would like to donate then please head over to:…/thinblue-lineradio-IanMc… You can also follow his progress via his own webpage with us at: Please continue to follow, share and donate and…
Trek In Uniform
As Ian’s preparation for Kilimanjaro continues – his official Trekking top has arrived! Adorned with the lucky charities that Ian is working so hard to generate essential funds for, this top will hopefully be an iconic addition to a long, hard trek up Mount Kilimanjaro. In other news.. Ian, once again in the rain along…
Trekking Up
Ian, a recently retired Sergeant with Merseyside Police, has an affinity for mental, physical and psychological health services for blue light responders. He believes in ensuring those who protect the vulnerable and serve their community deserve the best in welfare & wellbeing practices. I saw the advert on LinkedIn about ex police officers wanting to…